Phaselis Ancient City
Southern Coast, Turkey
Cultural Treasure
In the 7th century B.C, colonists from the nearby island of Rhodes discovered a small peninsula jutting out of southwestern Anatolia surrounded by forested mountains and three natural harbors. Legend tells that these colonists bought the peninsula for a supply of fish, as chosen by the local inhabitants, and set up the city of Phaselis. Over the years, the city grew and shrank, trading hands numerous times. It lied on the border of ancient Lycia to the west and Pamphylia to the east, and never really belonged to either. Persians, Greeks and Romans all took turns controlling the strategic peninsula.
Phaselitians dealt mostly in the trading business, sailing the numerous ports of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas full of timber, their primary export. However, historical sources indicate the Phaselitians were unpleasant to deal with, often taking advantage of fellow merchants and traders. Most of the remains unfortunately are in ruin now, those that is that are found. Legend also says in the temple of Athena of Phaselis, Achilles spear was on display, which belonged to the Greek hero of the Trojan War. However this temple and many others structures have yet to be discovered by archaeologists.
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On the eastern side of the ancient Lycian peninsula of southwest Turkey.
The city was originally constructed in the 7th century B.C. by Rhodians. Over the years it traded hands by Persians, Greeks, Lycians, and Romans.
Important harbor and trading center for the Lycian Civilization, where lumber from the forested slopes were transported by boat all around the Mediterranean Sea.
In ruins of disrepair, but a popular touristic site for the combination of Lycian Ruins and beautiful sandy beaches. As of 2023, the city costs 90 Lira to enter (although the number may change soon due to the lowering of their currency).

Phaselis Ancient City
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Cultural Treasure
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